How Online EMDR Therapy Works

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, (EMDR), is a type of therapy that focuses on breaking down negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself that stem from traumatic or disturbing events. When we go through something traumatic or disturbing, our brain often keeps and stores the memory of the incident, in an unhelpful way, that impacts us in our everyday life. Our brain stores images, body sensations, emotions, and thoughts about ourselves. Without realizing it, we can see the effects in our stress responses, self esteem, fear, anxiety, depression, etc. Many practices now have shifted EMDR therapy online. The major difference between in-person EMDR therapy and online EMDR therapy is that online sessions are conducted virtually on a secure platform.

In virtual sessions, therapists use the same treatment methods as in-person sessions. The principles and phases of EMDR do not change. A main difference is how the therapist guides the client in something called bi-lateral stimulation. This simply means a way to get the client’s right and left brain to communicate with each other. This is done by eye movements guided by a virtual light bar or the patient to tapping themselves on their legs or arms. Online EMDR is just as effective as in-person. Sometimes EMDR online can be more effective if the person feels safer at home than they do in an office.

The Benefit of Online EMDR:

1.  Creating a safe space for yourself.

You can get comfortable and create a safe space in the comfort of your own home or other private environment. In-person, the therapist’s office becomes a safe space to process trauma. When it is online, the client can choose and create a safe space. Perhaps outdoors, in the backyard, or cuddled up in a blanket feels safe and relaxing to do EMDR.

2. You don’t have to travel.

Sometimes, traffic or public transportation can add to the stress of seeing your therapist. When you do it online, you can save time. If you become highly activated or dissociate, your therapist will assist in containing the process, and you will already be home after the session. Some people like to go to sleep after a session.  For people living in remote areas, a trip to their therapist could mean lots of money towards fuel expenses. For such people, online EMDR can be the best option, allowing them to consult their therapist from virtually anywhere.

3. Choose your own comfort.

You can have your pet or soft object with you. Some people are comforted by their pet, blanket or a stuffed animal when doing EMDR. Online therapy makes this easier.

4. Freedom after session.

You can comfort yourself directly after the session. Some people feel comforted by speaking to friends, eating a piece of chocolate or meditating after a session. If you are online, you can do these things after the session instead of traveling home.

The Empowered Mind Therapy team consists of highly trained and licensed therapists ready to support you. We use evidence-based trauma therapy to help our clients find calm again, all online. Have one of our experts develop a customized treatment plan for you. Book a free consultation to find the best fit therapist for you.


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